SUPER PHOS® Increases Bermuda Grass Shoot Biomass

Bermuda grass greenhouse pictureSummary

The effects of Huma Gro® Turf SUPER PHOS® were compared with competitive phosphorus fertilizers on the shoot biomass of Bermuda grass, a common warm-season turf grass species.

Bermuda grasses were grown in Hoagland solution prepared without phosphorus or nitrogen. The treatments, replicated four times, consisted of the following fertilizers at 10% and 25% phosphorus:

SP:  Huma Gro® SUPER PHOS® solution (0-50-0)

AP: Ammonium polyphosphate solution (10-34-0)

MAP: Monoammonium phosphate granular (11-52-0)

TSP: Triple superphosphategranular (0-45-0)

Control: Untreated control

Nitrogen was added to SP and TSP to ensure a uniform amount of nitrogen throughout the treatments. Grasses were grown for approximately two months and shoots were harvested weekly. Fresh and dry weights were measured and recorded over eight weeks.


Bermuda Shoot Fresh and Dry Weights at 10% and 25% Phosphorus

Huma Gro® Turf SUPER PHOS® contributed to a higher Bermuda grass shoot biomass than the competitive products at the same reduced rate of applied phosphorus. The beneficial effect on shoot fresh and dry weights was classified as follows: SP> TSP > MAP > AP > control.

Product Summary

SUPER PHOS® (0-50-0) complexed with Micro Carbon Technology®* can be applied by foliar application, according to label directions, without the risk of phytotoxicity and keeps phosphate available and soluble in the soil solution for rapid uptake by plant roots without being blocked by clays, metal ions, or organic matter. Phosphate encourages the production of amino acids, proteins, and carbohydrates necessary for cellular division.

* Huma Gro® Turf products with Micro Carbon Technology® rapidly deliver essential nutrition to crops for optimal growth, fruiting, and vigor. The results are higher quality harvests, increased crop yields, and maximum profit.

See the complete Research Report.

Contact us for a free quote.

Research Report: FERTIL HUMUS® Soil Amendment Trial for Water Infiltration


The following research report compares increased moisture infiltration with the use of FERTIL HUMUS® at different rates and timings. It was conducted in the southern portion of the Columbia Basin in Washington State. The field, which had sandy loam soil, was pivot-irrigated as a broadcast spray, incorporated. All treatments were replicated four times in a complete randomized-block plot design. The time it took for a measured acre-inch of water to penetrate into the soil was recorded for each replication in each treatment. The times for each replication were averaged so that the influence of the treatments could be compared.


Chart of average time for water infiltration

  • Trt 1: 1 pint/acre FERTIL HUMUS
  • Trt 2: 2 pint/acre FERTIL HUMUS®
  • Trt 3: 4 pint/acre FERTIL HUMUS®
  • Trt 4: 2 pint/acre FERTIL HUMUS®, followed 2 weeks later by another 2 pints/acre
  • Trt 5: The Grower Standard Treatment (Untreated Check)


Application of FERTIL HUMUS® reduces the amount of time required for water to enter the soil surface, which is beneficial in terms of reducing the risk of soil erosion, fertility movement, and evaporation loss. It also aids soil aeration and moisture uniformity within the field.

Product Summary

FERTIL HUMUS® (24-0-0 + Fe, Zn, Mn) is a unique blend of nutrition and enzymes with our proprietary Micro Carbon Technology®* base. It has been developed to deliver the nutrients necessary to feed beneficial fungal activity in the soil and increase carbon and nutrient availability in the root zone. FERTIL HUMUS® enhances aerobic decomposition of organic matter and builds a humus-rich soil, which releases nutrients tied up in organic matter and improves soil condition. It also helps buffer the plant from the effects of heavy metals and toxic substances in the soil.

Benefits of use:

  • Aids in the decomposition of organic residues in soils
  • Increases recycling of nutrients tied up in organic matter
  • Helps to buffer harsh chemicals and degrade toxic compounds in soil
  • Increases soil water retention
  • Stimulates root growth

Apply Fertil Humus® where there is:

  • Poor or imbalanced soil biology.
  • Slow breakdown of organic matter.
  • Sandy soil needing stabilization by humus formation.
  • Poor water penetration or retention.
  • Chemical or toxic compound residues in the soil.

* Huma Gro® Turf products with Micro Carbon Technology® rapidly deliver essential nutrition to crops for optimal growth, fruiting, and vigor. The results are higher quality harvests, increased crop yields, and maximum profit.

See the complete Research Report.

Contact us for a free quote.


Why is Micro Carbon Technology® Quicker, Better, More Powerful? Because it’s Smaller.

Michael Gardner PortraitBy Michael Gardner, Senior Director of Huma Gro® Turf Sales at Bio Huma Netics, Inc.

[NOTE: This article first appeared in the November 2018 issue of Tee Times Golf Guide Magazine.]

In a time where everything is getting bigger, stronger, and faster, smaller can be better.

Is Bigger Better?

Pickup trucks are bigger with huge tires and lift kits. Small companies are absorbed into big companies; big companies are getting even bigger. Athletes are growing bigger, stronger, faster. Even golfers are bigger, stronger, hitting the ball further than ever. And yet . . . .

Smaller Is Quickly Absorbed.

If you watch TV commercials, you’ll notice that smaller can sometimes be powerful. An aspirin company claims smaller aspirin particles quickly relieve pain. A topical for sore muscles claims small particles in the lotion are absorbed quickly, also relieving pain quickly. Even small bits of candy pack a big burst of flavor. Mobile technology makes my cell phone more powerful than my old desktop computer. The same holds true with turf and soil.

Micro Carbon Technology® (MCT) is Smaller.

Just like the aspirin and lotion, Huma Gro® Turf uses small particles to activate soil microbiology and quickly absorb nutrients into the plant. Huma Gro® Turf products do this with Micro Carbon Technology® (MCT). MCT is a very small carbon molecule that is a fraction of the size of humic or fulvic or acid molecules. It’s a simple concept: the smaller the molecule, the more active that molecule. The more active the molecule, the more that molecule can accomplish.

MCT is a Nutrient Carrier.

MCT is a carbon- and oxygen-rich organic molecule that moves nutrients into the plant through the soil and/or leaves. In this situation, nutrients attach to the carbon, which acts as a carrier to transport the nutrients into the plant through the leaf in a foliar application or through the root system in a soil application.

MCT Protects Nutrients.

MCT protects the nutrient molecule as it is transported into the plant. This protection reduces phytotoxicity in foliar application. Nutrients immediately penetrate the leaf. In a soil application, nutrients are freely taken up by the root system without being tied up in the soil. Nutrient deficiencies are quickly reversed.

MCT Stimulates Microbes.

Soil health is key to healthy turf. Not only is soil fertility important to soil health, but a diverse and healthy soil biology is also imperative. An abundance of beneficial microbes, bacteria, and fungi create a healthy soil environment and suppress soil-borne pathogens and disease. MCT stimulates beneficial bacteria and fungi in the soil, enhancing the activity and reproduction of microbiology that improves soil structure.

MCT Attains Soil Health Naturally.

Huma Gro® Turf soil products with MCT achieve soil health naturally. No foreign microbes, bacteria, or fungi are added to the soil. Healthy soil biology is achieved through feeding the beneficial microbes that are not only present in all soil but unique to the individual soil. Using MCT as a base, Huma Gro® Turf has developed a full line of highly efficient products that make up a complete sustainable turf program.

All Huma Gro® Turf Products Contain MCT.

Sustainable Soil Fertility products with MCT flocculate hard soils. They relieve the stress of saline soils and heavy metals, enabling mineral nutrition of the turf. MCT promotes oxygenation and aeration, improving water penetration and water-holding capacity and freeing up nutrients in the root-zone.

Optimal Growth Management products encourage the natural production of plant hormones for quick and long-term results. Turf shows an almost immediate boost of energy, growth, vigor, and rooting. These products provide and maintain a long-term, natural plant hormonal balance. MCT allows optimal management of plant growth by promoting natural production of hormones within the plant itself that are quickly produced and naturally controlled.

Our Macronutrients and Micronutrients with MCT offer a variety of packaged fertilizer products that deliver all the essential macronutrients, secondary macronutrients, and micronutrients to promote the strong, steady turf growth and produces a better, greener turf. All include MCT for better transportation and absorption of nutrients by plants. All nutrient products can be applied in the soil or with a foliar spray, without phytotoxicity.

Our organic Zero-Residue Turf Protection products are OMRI® listed for environmentally-conscious superintendents to maximize the control of a broad spectrum of insects, nematodes, bacterial and/or fungal plant diseases, and pathogens—with no down time required!

Our natural Carbon-Rich Organic Acids are similar to the chemical make-up of the plants themselves, so roots or leaves easily assimilate nutrients and effectively put them to work. With our organic acids, turf and ornamentals maximize the potential of your fertilizer, resulting in better germination, more efficient foliar applications, and strong, healthy growth.

Our blend of nonionic Surfactants improves the penetration and distribution of water within the soil profile, ensuring that turf managers get the most out of their applied water and water-carried inputs.

What Can You Expect from MCT?

The following are a few things to expect from Huma Gro® Turf products:

  • Activate beneficial aerobic soil bacteria and fungi
  • Separate clay particles, increasing water penetration
  • Reduce plant stress in high salinity soils
  • Increase soil nutrient availability
  • Increase root development
  • Improve decomposition of organic matter
  • Recycle nutrients tied up in organic matter
  • Increase water retention
  • Remediate toxic chemical residues in soil
  • Increase nutrient availability in extreme-pH soils
  • Improve soil structure
  • Balance oxygen and carbon
  • Reduce amounts of product required
  • Have a positive impact on the environment

Small Can Be Powerful.

Build a healthy turf on the foundation of a healthy, fertile soil that is teaming with healthy microorganisms. Healthy microbiology, soil, and turf are created and maintained with Huma Gro® Turf products containing MCT. The tiny carbon molecules of MCT prove that smaller can be powerful in today’s trend of more, bigger, stronger.

Michael Gardner is Senior Director of Huma Gro® Turf Sales at Bio Huma Netics, Inc. Contact him at Huma Gro® Turf products can be found at

Evaluation of PROMAX® and ZAP® on Stunt Nematodes in Turf

Research by Robert Wick, PhD, University of Massachusetts


This study aims to assess the efficacy of Huma Gro® Turf PROMAX® followed by ZAP® to control stunt nematodes (Tylenchorhynchus) on turf.

Materials and Methods

The golf green for this study was approximately 59 years old, with a mixture of annual bluegrass and creeping bentgrass. It was located in Westfield Massachusetts and had a history of moderately high populations of stunt nematodes. The analysis of the top 4 inches of soil resulted in 86.4% sand, 10.3% silt, and 0.002% clay, which classifies this soil as a loamy sand.

PROMAX® was applied five times at two-week intervals, on May 21, June 2, June 17, June 29, and July 7. ZAP® was also applied on June 29. The treatments were applied to six randomized plots (6’ x 6’) with six non-treated controls (Figure 1). For each plot, PROMAX® (and later, ZAP®) was applied in two gallons of water using a watering can. Each plot received the equivalent of two gallon/acre PROMAX® (and later, ZAP®). Following the application, approximately 0.22 inches of water were applied to the plots.

For nematode evaluations, 10 cores were taken from each plot and bulked as one sample per plot. Nematodes were recovered by wet sieving/sugar flotation and identified to genus. Nematode assays were carried out on April 29, Jun 3, July 1, and August 4. The data were subjected to analysis of variance and a test of least significant difference (LSD).


Huma Gro® Turf PROMAX® followed by ZAP® significantly controlled stunt nematodes (Tylenchorhynchus) on turf.

Click here to read the report.

We Are Currently Seeking Distributors

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to be the designated HUMA GRO® TURF representative in your area.

We are looking for distributors who are:

  • Established and experienced at sales in the golf course industry
  • Knowledgeable about turf chemical applications
  • Committed to offering their customers the best products available

Visit our distributors page for more information or give us a call at 1-800-961-1220 to find out how you can take advantage of this great opportunity!


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