Carbon-Rich Organic Acids

carbon-rich-organic-acidsHUMA GRO® TURF’s exclusive processes allow us to offer you high-performing fertility products based on organic acid compounds rich in carbon. These natural organic acids are similar to the chemical make-up of the plants themselves, so it’s easier for the roots or leaves to assimilate the added nutrients and put them to work more effectively. Our Carbon-Rich Organic Acids also work in protecting roots against the damaging effect of highly acidic or alkaline soils. With HUMA GRO® TURF Carbon-Rich Organic Acid products, your turf and ornamentals can maximize the potential of your fertilizer, resulting in better germination, more efficient foliar applications, and strong, healthy growth.

Click here to view a video about the steps we take to ensure that you receive the highest quality products possible.

Individual Products:

X-TEND® B (6-2-0)

X-TEND® B is a concentrated MCT product with high levels of organic acids and nutrients. X-TEND® B is formulated to be blended in liquid fertilizers or to be impregnated onto dry fertilizers, which extends the effectiveness of the fertilizer or fertilizer solutions. X-TEND® B has a blue dye so that application can be verified.

FULVI PRO® (0-0-0 +25% FA)

FULVI PRO® complexed with MCT is an activated liquid Fulvic Acid source derived from highly oxidized leonardite material. FULVI PRO® provides a liquid carbon-rich foliar additive as well as a food substrate for the beneficial biology in the soil.

HUMA BURST® (0-0-0 +70% HA)

HUMA BURST® is a dry, uniform, granulized humic acid product derived  from a highly oxidized, naturally occurring carbon-rich material called leonardite. HUMA BURST® was created for the treatment of carbon-depleted soil conditions and improved organic matter balance.

HUMA PRO® (0-0-0 +6% HA)

HUMA PRO® complexed with MCT is an activated liquid Humic Acid source derived from a highly oxidized, naturally occurring carbon and mineral deposit. For the treatment of unbalanced soil conditions caused by the lack of Humic Acid. HUMA PRO® promotes a stronger, healthier soil for sustainable plant growth.

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