Research Report: FERTIL HUMUS® Soil Amendment Trial for Water Infiltration


The following research report compares increased moisture infiltration with the use of FERTIL HUMUS® at different rates and timings. It was conducted in the southern portion of the Columbia Basin in Washington State. The field, which had sandy loam soil, was pivot-irrigated as a broadcast spray, incorporated. All treatments were replicated four times in a complete randomized-block plot design. The time it took for a measured acre-inch of water to penetrate into the soil was recorded for each replication in each treatment. The times for each replication were averaged so that the influence of the treatments could be compared.


Chart of average time for water infiltration

  • Trt 1: 1 pint/acre FERTIL HUMUS
  • Trt 2: 2 pint/acre FERTIL HUMUS®
  • Trt 3: 4 pint/acre FERTIL HUMUS®
  • Trt 4: 2 pint/acre FERTIL HUMUS®, followed 2 weeks later by another 2 pints/acre
  • Trt 5: The Grower Standard Treatment (Untreated Check)


Application of FERTIL HUMUS® reduces the amount of time required for water to enter the soil surface, which is beneficial in terms of reducing the risk of soil erosion, fertility movement, and evaporation loss. It also aids soil aeration and moisture uniformity within the field.

Product Summary

FERTIL HUMUS® (24-0-0 + Fe, Zn, Mn) is a unique blend of nutrition and enzymes with our proprietary Micro Carbon Technology®* base. It has been developed to deliver the nutrients necessary to feed beneficial fungal activity in the soil and increase carbon and nutrient availability in the root zone. FERTIL HUMUS® enhances aerobic decomposition of organic matter and builds a humus-rich soil, which releases nutrients tied up in organic matter and improves soil condition. It also helps buffer the plant from the effects of heavy metals and toxic substances in the soil.

Benefits of use:

  • Aids in the decomposition of organic residues in soils
  • Increases recycling of nutrients tied up in organic matter
  • Helps to buffer harsh chemicals and degrade toxic compounds in soil
  • Increases soil water retention
  • Stimulates root growth

Apply Fertil Humus® where there is:

  • Poor or imbalanced soil biology.
  • Slow breakdown of organic matter.
  • Sandy soil needing stabilization by humus formation.
  • Poor water penetration or retention.
  • Chemical or toxic compound residues in the soil.

* Huma Gro® Turf products with Micro Carbon Technology® rapidly deliver essential nutrition to crops for optimal growth, fruiting, and vigor. The results are higher quality harvests, increased crop yields, and maximum profit.

See the complete Research Report.

Contact us for a free quote.


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