Bio Huma Netics, Inc., Company Profile
Founded in 1973, Bio Huma Netics, Inc., is a three-generation employee-owned company that is a global leader in empowering others through humic substances.
From company-owned mines, we produce liquid, dry, and water soluble humic and fulvic acid products, as well as our proprietary Micro Carbon Technology®. These products—derived from naturally occurring leonardite (soft coal) and humic shales—create enhanced activity of beneficial microorganisms, improved soil structure and water use, enhanced nutrient availability and uptake, suppression of crop pests and diseases, and breakdown of hydrocarbons and chemical compounds.
Key to our success is the science behind our products. The BHN Research & Development (R&D) Center has 3 primary areas of responsibility: product development & improvement, product quality assurance, and humic research. For more information about the BHN R&D Center, click here.
Our humic-based products have been developed for agriculture (HUMA GRO®, MESA VERDE HUMATES®, FERTILGOLD® ORGANICS); horticulture, turf, and ornamentals (HUMA GRO® TURF); and soil & wastewater bioremediation (PROBIOTIC SOLUTIONS®).
Our ongoing purpose is to investigate, innovate, implement, and improve the use of humic substances as true biostimulants for a better world. Learn more at
HUMA GRO® TURF is a line of products developed and manufactured by Bio Huma Netics, Inc. of Gilbert, Arizona. Bio Huma Netics started developing high efficiency liquid soil health and plant nutrition products in 1973. The Micro Carbon Technology® (MCT) that we use as the base of all our ingredients is proven to be many times more efficient than conventional fertilizers; several times more efficient than granular fertilizers and a few times more efficient than the highest quality chelates. The extremely small molecule size in our MCT makes the difference.
Bio Huma Netics, Inc. was founded in 1973 by scientists Dr. Jordan Smith and Mr. Don Organ when they made the first agricultural application of a unique humate material from a mine in the Northwestern United States. This material, rich in organic acids, and minerals laid down over time in fresh water, when applied to farm soils improved soil conditions, increased the mineral content of plants and accelerated nutrient uptake.
By 1981, Dr. Smith and Mr. Organ had developed the proprietary technology to extract organic acids, soluble minerals and other beneficial organic components from this unique material. This extract contains Bio Huma Netics’ Micro Carbon Technology® and is the foundation ingredient used in all HUMA GRO®, HUMA GRO® TURF, and Probiotic Solution® products. Micro Carbon Technology® is combined with other beneficial components to create over 70 products the company produces to improve soils, improve plant nutrition, and water treatment. The company has expanded under a manufacturing focus. Bio Huma Netics, Inc. today is an exciting dynamic growing company.
The name “Bio Huma Netics” signifies the study and application of the relationship (Netics) between the Earth (Huma) and living organisms (Bio).
Our Vision
Empowering others through humic substances
Our Mission
Driven to enhance the quality of life
Our Purpose
Investigate, Innovate, Implement, Improve
Our Operating Values
Uncompromising Integrity, Relentless Pursuit of Excellence, Proactive Innovation, Win-Win-Win