Huma Gro® Turf Amendments Reduce Nitrogen and Phosphorus Leaching


This research report demonstrates the effect of HUMA GRO® TURF products X-TEND®, FERTIL HUMUS®, MULTI-PURPOSE™, and ZAP® in the reduction of nitrogen and phosphorus leaching in fine sand soils.

The leaching of nitrogen and phosphate fertilizers presents an on-going problem in Florida soils. Agricultural amendments that reduce leaching when applied to soils or when mixed with nitrogen and phosphate fertilizers present a potential solution to this problem. Retaining a greater amount of nutrient in the crop root zone is economically beneficial to the grower. Four Huma Gro® Turf amendments were applied to Immokalee fine sand soil to evaluate their respective effect on nutrient leaching and increasing nutrient levels in crop root zones.

In simulated irrigations, nitrogen and phosphorus and Huma Gro® Turf amendments were applied to columns of soil, with the leachate being drained away. A total of 15.5 inches water was applied over 60 days, after which the soil columns were analyzed for nitrate nitrogen and phosphate.


The combinations of fertilizer plus the Huma Gro® Turf amendments lost only 15.6% of the nitrogen and 15.0% of the phosphate. The control lost 40.6% of the nitrogen and 35.6% of the phosphate. In the top 18″ of soil, the combination of fertilizer plus the Huma Gro® Turf amendments resulted in an increased nitrogen level of 76.1% and an increased phosphate level of 31.2% compared to the control.

Percent Increase of N & P Over the Control in Top 18″ Soil

% Increase vs Control Nitrogen Phosphate
+ Huma Gro®
76.1% 31.2%

Percent Loss of Nitrogen & Phosphate in 36″ Soil Profiles

Nitrogen % Loss Phosphate % Loss
+ Huma Gro®
15.6% 15.0%
Control 40.6% 35.6%


Fertilizer complexed with Huma Gro® Turf amendments to the soil significantly reduced leaching. With Huma Gro® Turf amendments, more nitrogen and phosphate remained in the top 18″ of soil.

Product Summary

FERTIL HUMUS® (24-0-0 + Fe, Zn, Mn) complexed with our proprietary Micro Carbon Technology®* (MCT) contains the nutrients necessary to feed beneficial fungal activity in the soil and to increase carbon and nutrient availability in the root zone. FERTIL HUMUS® enhances aerobic decomposition of organic matter and builds a humus-rich soil, which releases nutrients tied up in organic matter. FERTIL HUMUS® also helps buffer the plant from the effects of heavy metals and toxic substances in the soil.

MULTI-PURPOSE™ (5-0-0 + Fe,Zn,Mn) with our proprietary MCT* base, improves soil structure and feeds the beneficial bacteria activity in the soil. This balances the carbon-oxygen ratio, creating a carbon-rich soil that allows the soil and rhizosphere interface to be more active.

X-TEND®  (6-2-0) is a concentrated MCT* product with high levels of organic acids and nutrients. X-TEND® is formulated to be blended in liquid fertilizers or to be impregnated onto dry fertilizers, which extends the effectiveness of the fertilizer or fertilizer solutions.

ZAP® (8-0-0 + Fe,Zn,Mn,S) complexed with MCT* is an organic–based formulation of nutrients for feeding the native beneficial soil biological balance. ZAP® feeds a strong, vigorous soil biology which indirectly results in the natural improvement of soil health.

* Huma Gro®  Turf products with Micro Carbon Technology® rapidly deliver essential nutrition to crops for optimal growth, fruiting, and vigor. The results are higher quality harvests, increased crop yields, and maximum profit.

 See the complete Research Report.

Contact us for a free quote.

Research Report: FERTIL HUMUS® Soil Amendment Trial for Water Infiltration


The following research report compares increased moisture infiltration with the use of FERTIL HUMUS® at different rates and timings. It was conducted in the southern portion of the Columbia Basin in Washington State. The field, which had sandy loam soil, was pivot-irrigated as a broadcast spray, incorporated. All treatments were replicated four times in a complete randomized-block plot design. The time it took for a measured acre-inch of water to penetrate into the soil was recorded for each replication in each treatment. The times for each replication were averaged so that the influence of the treatments could be compared.


Chart of average time for water infiltration

  • Trt 1: 1 pint/acre FERTIL HUMUS
  • Trt 2: 2 pint/acre FERTIL HUMUS®
  • Trt 3: 4 pint/acre FERTIL HUMUS®
  • Trt 4: 2 pint/acre FERTIL HUMUS®, followed 2 weeks later by another 2 pints/acre
  • Trt 5: The Grower Standard Treatment (Untreated Check)


Application of FERTIL HUMUS® reduces the amount of time required for water to enter the soil surface, which is beneficial in terms of reducing the risk of soil erosion, fertility movement, and evaporation loss. It also aids soil aeration and moisture uniformity within the field.

Product Summary

FERTIL HUMUS® (24-0-0 + Fe, Zn, Mn) is a unique blend of nutrition and enzymes with our proprietary Micro Carbon Technology®* base. It has been developed to deliver the nutrients necessary to feed beneficial fungal activity in the soil and increase carbon and nutrient availability in the root zone. FERTIL HUMUS® enhances aerobic decomposition of organic matter and builds a humus-rich soil, which releases nutrients tied up in organic matter and improves soil condition. It also helps buffer the plant from the effects of heavy metals and toxic substances in the soil.

Benefits of use:

  • Aids in the decomposition of organic residues in soils
  • Increases recycling of nutrients tied up in organic matter
  • Helps to buffer harsh chemicals and degrade toxic compounds in soil
  • Increases soil water retention
  • Stimulates root growth

Apply Fertil Humus® where there is:

  • Poor or imbalanced soil biology.
  • Slow breakdown of organic matter.
  • Sandy soil needing stabilization by humus formation.
  • Poor water penetration or retention.
  • Chemical or toxic compound residues in the soil.

* Huma Gro® Turf products with Micro Carbon Technology® rapidly deliver essential nutrition to crops for optimal growth, fruiting, and vigor. The results are higher quality harvests, increased crop yields, and maximum profit.

See the complete Research Report.

Contact us for a free quote.


Evaluation of PROMAX® and ZAP® on Stunt Nematodes in Turf

Research by Robert Wick, PhD, University of Massachusetts


This study aims to assess the efficacy of Huma Gro® Turf PROMAX® followed by ZAP® to control stunt nematodes (Tylenchorhynchus) on turf.

Materials and Methods

The golf green for this study was approximately 59 years old, with a mixture of annual bluegrass and creeping bentgrass. It was located in Westfield Massachusetts and had a history of moderately high populations of stunt nematodes. The analysis of the top 4 inches of soil resulted in 86.4% sand, 10.3% silt, and 0.002% clay, which classifies this soil as a loamy sand.

PROMAX® was applied five times at two-week intervals, on May 21, June 2, June 17, June 29, and July 7. ZAP® was also applied on June 29. The treatments were applied to six randomized plots (6’ x 6’) with six non-treated controls (Figure 1). For each plot, PROMAX® (and later, ZAP®) was applied in two gallons of water using a watering can. Each plot received the equivalent of two gallon/acre PROMAX® (and later, ZAP®). Following the application, approximately 0.22 inches of water were applied to the plots.

For nematode evaluations, 10 cores were taken from each plot and bulked as one sample per plot. Nematodes were recovered by wet sieving/sugar flotation and identified to genus. Nematode assays were carried out on April 29, Jun 3, July 1, and August 4. The data were subjected to analysis of variance and a test of least significant difference (LSD).


Huma Gro® Turf PROMAX® followed by ZAP® significantly controlled stunt nematodes (Tylenchorhynchus) on turf.

Click here to read the report.

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