
HUMA GRO® TURF Ultra-Efficient Turf Nutrition products with Micro Carbon Technology® (MCT) offer a variety of packaged fertility products that deliver all the essential macronutrients (N-P-K), secondary nutrients (Sulfur, Calcium, Magnesium), and micronutrients (Boron, Iron, Manganese, Zinc, Copper, and more) individually packaged to promote the strong, steady growth of your turf that produce a better, greener turf. All of these high-quality products include our proprietary MCT as a base for better transportation and absorption of nutrients by plants. They are concentrated and complex formulations to maximize nutrient availability for improved plant vigor, health, and quality. The added efficiency of these products will let you achieve superior results using less fertilizer—which equates to decreased handling, lower storage expense, and less overall fertilizer costs.

Your HUMA GRO® TURF representative can work with you to determine the best combinations and concentrations of macronutrients, secondary nutrients, and micronutrients which will be most beneficial for your particular turf and ornamentals. Please inquire for our full line of micronutirents.

Click here to view a video about the steps we take to ensure that you receive the highest quality products possible.

Individual Products:

44 MAG® (0-0-0 + 5% Mg, 5.5% S)

44 MAG® complexed with MCT ensures maximum assimilation of magnesium, which is the essential part of the chlorophyll molecule that gives plants their green color.

BORO-MAX® (0-0-0 +10%B)

BORO-MAX® complexed with MCT ensures efficient and effective uptake of boron, which is required for cell division, plant metabolism, cell structure, sugar transport, pollination, and seed development.

CALCIUM (7-0-0 + 10% Ca)

CALCIUM complexed with MCT ensures maximum calcium uptake and translocation within the turf & plant. CALCIUM is a required nutrient for cellular strength, growth, and plant health, which indirectly reduces the risk of fungal diseases.

COMOL™ (0-5-0 + 3% Mo,1% Co)

COMOL™ complexed with MCT ensures efficient nutrient uptake and translocation of phosphorus, cobalt, and molybdenum, which indirectly encourages production of amino acids, proteins, and carbohydrates necessary for cellular division, nodulation of legumes, microbial functions, recovery from plant stress, enzyme activities, and nitrogen metabolism.

TURF IRON™ (12-0-0 + 6% Fe,4% S)

TURF IRON™ complexed with MCT stimulates effective and quick iron uptake into the plant and is a key micronutrient involved in photosynthesis and enables other biochemical processes such as respiration, symbiotic nitrogen fixation and transfer of energy within the plant. IRON relieves chlorotic symptoms of iron-deficient turf & plants. HUMA GRO® TURF IRON™ gives the ability to green up without the growth.

MANGANESE (0-0-0 + 5% Mn, 2.5% S)

MANGANESE complexed with MCT ensures efficient and effective uptake of manganese, which is a micronutrient involved in many plant metabolic activities including photosynthesis, enzyme activity, and nutrient regulation.

MAX PAK® + (S,Fe,Mn,B,Mo,Co,Zn,Cu)

MAX PAK® is a liquid micronutrient formulation containing a complexed, highly stable source of many important micronutrients. MAX PAK® is leaf friendly, salt buffered, and formulated with MCT to ensure maximum uptake and translocation of nutrients.

SULFUR (8-0-0 + 10% S)

SULFUR, complexed with MCT, enables sulfur nutrient absorption by the plant. SULFUR is a major nutrient involved in respiration, photosynthesis, amino acid metabolism, plant growth, and vigor.

Z-MAX® (8% Zn, 5% S, 2% Mn, 0.5% Cu)

Z-MAX® complexed with MCT ensures efficient and effective uptake of zinc, sulfur, manganese, and copper to optimize micronutrient nutrition of the plant that can help suppress certain external and internal plant stresses. It is a highly concentrated micronutrient solution designed to improve plant nutrition and vigor. Z-MAX® is a great additive to your pest management arsenal.


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