PROMAX is an OMRI Certified Organic Nematicide and Fungicide.
PROMAX is for the organic control of soil borne diseases and plant parasitic nematodes.
How PROMAX works: OMRI Certified Organic control of parasitic nematodes and soil borne diseases through contact activities and has systemic residual control. Promax works for the control of Nematodes as a cell membrane disruptor.
PROMAX Advantages:
1- Human safety; both public and for the applicator.
2- Environmentally safe
3- Zero Restricted Entry Interval (REI). Spray it and play on it.
4-Ideal for Integrated Pest Management (IPM) programs
5-Cost effective
6- Contact and local systemic activity
7- Fast acting
8- Minimum impact on beneficial insects and predatory mites
9- Compatible with most inseticides, miticides, fungicides, herbicides and fertilizers.