Come see us at the Golf Industry Show at the Henry B. Gozalez Convention Center in San Antonio, Texas, on February 21–26. Michael Gardner, Scott Jackson, and Kenny Halcomb will be there in booths 11041 and 11043 to answer all of your Huma Gro Turf questions. For more information, go to
In a world of harsh chemicals, excess fertilization and reclaimed water on our golf courses, HUMA GRO® TURF has taken an Environmentally friendly approach to the maintenance and problem solving on your golf course.
PROMAX™ is an OMRI® Listed as an Organic Nematicide and Fungicide.
PROMAX™ is for the organic control of soil borne diseases and plant parasitic nematodes.
How PROMAX™ Works:
OMRI® listed as an organic control of parasitic nematodes and soil borne diseases through contact activities and has systemic residual control. PROMAX™ works for the control of Nematodes as a cell membrane disruptor.
PROMAX™ Advantages:
1- Human safety; both public and for the applicator.
2- Environmentally safe
3- Zero Restricted Entry Interval (REI). Spray it and play on it.
4-Ideal for Integrated Pest Management (IPM) programs
5-Cost effective
6- Works through contact and local systemic activity
7- Fast acting
8- Minimum impact on beneficial insects and predatory mites
9- Compatible with most inseticides, miticides, fungicides, herbicides and fertilizers.
10- IT WORKS!!
Check out these nematode trials:
PROMAX™ Controls Nematodes on Virginia Country Club Turf
PROMAX™ Controls Nematodes at California Golf Course
Want more information? Contact Us