“I love Huma Gro® Iron 12 – 0 – 0 + 6 Fe. I have tried over half a dozen Iron products on my greens and none compare to Huma Gro. It gives me such a rich green color that lasts much longer than other Iron products. I tank mix it with fungicides, insecticides and fertilizers. The color is what I love. Other Iron’s always had a black or copper cast and never lasted very long. I use Huma Gro as a spoon feeding amendment to keep the color of the turf and not cause excessive top growth. It hides a lot of evils as they say! I use Huma Gro Iron on my Greens, Tees and Fairways throughout the season to keep my course green.” By Tracey Holliday, Supt. of Sterling Farms G.C.
Iron Strong Huma Gro Turf
July 2, 2013 By